( master 修改文章於 2010-06-17 13:53 )
生態農業 節能減碳 節水
Is it fertilizer of ingredients give ecology cultivate the perfect nutrient to regulate to count diluting definitely.
Utilize bacteria, algae to buffer as the ecology, does not do the meaningless control setting.
沒有加酸、鹼穩定PH的桶、也沒有加鈣肥的桶、因此只有一個無機肥養液桶。 Disuse sour, soda stabilize barrel of PH, Disuse calcium barrel too, only one to raise the liquid barrel inorganic fertilizer.
No matter plant grow seedlings train, koi fish pool, raise shrimp compound pool to be the same.
Understand aquaculture will find " raising water " is a great key.
In order to control the water quality regular put in inorganic fertilizer or organic fertilizer.
無機的肥料對水質的影響非常快速,可以提供藻類重點的補充養分,以穩定水質。 The control on water quality of the inorganic is very fast, can offer the supplementary nutrient of the alga, in order to stabilize water quality.
Offering of organic fertilizer can have more long-term steady result, but too apt to is it lose oxygen of water or cause bad breeding of fungus.
Human diet will be it take salt, magnesium, calcium, iron to take often equally too .No matter come to absorb from the food of the organic or inorganic. Inorganic salts the excessive can cause relevant diseases.
The excessive organic matter may not be certain well too, it will cause a lot of complications to come one after another that the protein eats excessively.
Do not continue the focal point of green production in the organic or inorganic but in the accurate and right amount supply nutrient forever, economize water, economize energy consumption, production the good rate. Named ecological agriculture.
Living beings any want in violent to fluctuate the earth of the climate environment, it is competitive definitely to occupy a mat of ecological location for a long time. The meaning of the competitiveness is the economized on energy, economized on water the rate, improves production well. Ecological truth that that is to say. Just like the cockroach, shark, dragonfly; Not the mankind of dinosaur or modern excessive consumption definitely.
如果你已變成恐龍,呈現高耗能、高污染、生產良率低。或者生產過剩,找不到市場進而必須強迫別人消費、強力廣告、破壞環境。請依照小強的生態基因修正,就不會會滅絕。If you have become a dinosaur, have appeared and pollute highly energy-consumingly highed, produce the good rate low. Or overproduction, can not find the market then must force others' consumption, strong advertisement, destroy the environment. Please revise according to cockroach ecological gene, would not know and exterminate.
因為自地球出現生命以來,生態之理從來沒變過。Because since life of presenting of the earth, the ecological reason has not changed.
( master 修改文章於 2010-06-17 14:09 )( master 修改文章於 2012-09-12 13:36 )
hsm (master)
不是這個地址是隔壁的田(埔里鎮房里里三勰路25-2號 的隔壁.記得是隔壁)
E 120。56'19.48"
N 23。58'40.09"