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Dry Hydroponics |
Dry Hydroponics is such a clean approach to growing crops that they can be sealed immediately and are ready-to-eat. (master提供) |
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葫蘆網 |
水生濕地藥用植物目錄 (master提供) |
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the water garden |
These floating islands can be used in an exising water garden or you can use the island in a water-filled container as a self-watering system. (master提供) |
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中國古代農學 |
架田,又稱葑田或浮田,是一種漂浮在水田上的農田。這種農田最初是由泥沙自然淤積水草,如菰 葑 (茭白)等的根部,日久浮泛水面而形成的一種自然土地,東晉時,長江流域便開始利用這種土地種植水稻等作物。而葑田之名,則最早見於唐朝 (master提供) |
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加拿大Hydroserre Mirabel蔬菜有限公司 |
应用深池浮板水培法种植技术使加拿大Hydroserre Mirabel公司成为世界上最大的水培法生菜生产厂家。 (master提供) |